When the snake attacked the man the dog called Marley saved his life

When the snake attacked the man the dog called Marley saved his life.

A strong dog endangered his life to save his owner. But unfortunately, he was injured as the snake managed to bite him. The owner, who was 18-year-old, was afraid that his dog would die. And he then told how his dog saved his life. The boy was named Alex Lorendo.

The man, living in San Diego, went to the backyard of his home.
When the boy went to the laundry, he suddenly heard noises coming from under the table. He saw the snake who was there and ready to attack.

After a short time, the dog came and stood between the snake and its owner. The boy didn’t even manage to concentrate on what was happening.
The first thought I had was that I am going to lose my friend, says the boy.

The snake managed to bite the dog twice, one on the neck and the other on the tongue. Alex with his mom took the Labrador to the hospital.
They did not believe that the dog would stay alive. But he can be considered fortunate. He got a special cure and came back home.

Now he is feeling good but he needs to continue getting some special treatment.

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