The little boy was sitting on the dock every day and waiting for his big friend to come and say hello.
You sometimes hear stories about the strong connection between an animal and a human. This time the story was about a little boy and a wild animal. Probably the majority of the stories you know are about the friendship between a domestic animal and a human, but this time the story is about a wild animal.
This sometimes happens when an animal and a kid growing up together.
Here the picture shows how connected they could be.
Joe is a little kid who is living in a village. Many people from that village spend most of their time fishing. But their aim is different. They do not want to catch the fish, so when they catch them they toss them back to the water and this indeed is very attractive for many sea animals. And stingrays are not an exception.
Here, a big stingray became a friend of Joel. Every day the boy went to the water to see his friend. Once, a stranger decided to take a picture of the moment they met each other.
After some time the fisherman seeing them together decided to give a shrimp to the boy so that he could feed the animal. The animal was so happy and ate all the shrimp. The boy fed him until he felt satisfied. But after being satisfied the animal does not leave the boy, he plays for some time with Joel and then leaves.