The dog named Lundy who was unable to walk became friends with Pigeon called Herman and made a strong relationship.
Many people think that connections among various species of animals are only for survival but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, animals prove with their examples how friendship can be strong among them.
People will be amazed when they listen to the story of Lundy and Herman. These two animals became close friends. Lundy is a dog who is unable to walk and Herman is a pigeon who could not fly. So, this story is very emotional. Once they met in the center where animals are all with defects.
A man saved Herman’s life but now he could not move anymore. Lundy, who also has a problem, appeared in the same place as Herman. Lundy could not walk. So, when these 2 animals met no one could believe that such a connection would appear between them. Herman started to sleep with his friends.
They became best friends in a very short period. They loved each other starting from the first moment. The staff pictured them and posted their photos on the internet. Thousands of people shared their opinion and expressed their emotions.
Moreover, many people donated money and more than 6 thousand dollars were gathered for that center.