The bear could not help the babies from the cold water and the fisherman came to save them.
When it’s cold the water becomes a dangerous thing. And this is dangerous not only for humans but the animals as well. This is why the animals swim across the shore till it’s become cold.
Once, the mother bear with its cubs came to the river. She started to swap first and the babies were behind her. Soon, I fell and could not swim. The mother reached the shore but they left behind.
But she could not go back and take the rest of the cubs.
And fortunately, one fisherman noticed them sailing by boat. So, he hurried to help them.
When the mother noticed the boat that came towards them started to worry. The fisherman understood that it would be good not to touch them as the mother can start acting irregularly.
But they also could not leave them. So, they put the babies on the boat with a fishnet.
So they could not be scared of them. But also it was hard to do. But they finally managed to do so.
But they also need to help the mother. So, they reached the mother bear and landed the babies one by one. The mother took its cubs and they left.