See Wiley, a Dalmatian puppy who won everyone’s hearts.
Nature never stops amazing us with its magic. This cute puppy attracts everyone’s attention. Moreover, people find that his nose is created for kissing. Although his owners kissed him the most, he already won over many people.
This dog is not similar to the other dogs of the same breed. So, he does not have the same black spots as the others. He had a heart on his nose which helped him to become famous.
The dog has many followers on social media. People enjoy looking at his photos as they immediately become happy.
Lexi Smith, the owner of the dog says that she took the animal from the breeder. When the girl heard about his preferences she immediately understood that they are born for each other.
Later, it turned out that the pet enjoys eating, sleeping, and cuddling.
That’s why they easily became friends and found a common language.
So, the heart on his nose made the pet popular on the Internet.
The users enjoy following his life as it’s very interesting for them.
The girl spends most of her time with the animal and considers him as her close friend. She often posts photos on his Instagram page.
Now, the beautiful puppy has followers from all over the world.