This is a story about a saved cat who was very hungry but wanted to live.
The cat was found on the street in very bad condition. The cat was moved to a shelter to get help.
The story happened in California. The walkers found two cats on the streets in the very unhealthy condition who were also hungry and cold.
People took them and gave them to the “Mini Cat Town”. Afterward, the cats were sent to the shelter.
The poor cat’s condition was so bad that they could not eat by themselves. So, they needed someone who could feed them and the shelter workers decided to help them. The cats were girls and all wondered where they would live or not.
But everyone wanted to believe that soon they would feel better and be fine.
But unfortunately one of them died. The injections did not help her to recover. But the other girl did not want to give up and continued to fight for her life till the end. All the staff members fight with her too. And they called the cat Nikiya.
Fortunately, after some time the girl managed to gain weight and recover. She started acting well. So this could be called magic. The cat managed to survive thanks to the staff’s efforts and her huge will to live.