The world’s most popular dog named Hachiko is finally reunited with its owner after being separated for 90 years.
Hachiko is a popular and the most loyal dog who waited for his master to come to the metro station until the end. But his owner did not live anymore. There is even a statue of the dog and its owner together.
This is the most heartbreaking story ever. Although the owner dies the dog could not ever forget him.
He never lost his hope and every day waited for his owner to come back.
But it could not happen as he was not alive, but the dog did not accept it.
When the story was posted on the Internet it melted everyone’s hearts.
People felt sorry for the dog. It’s not a secret that dogs create a special bond with their owners and no one could ever ruin it. Dogs are caring and loyal.
The University of Tokyo depicted the statue of the union of the dog with its owner which could not ever happen.
This is a story and especially this statue will motivate everyone to take and keep animals who will become their loyal and best friends.