The woman gave her scarf to the poor homeless dog and the camera captured the moment.
The woman did not even think that anyone could notice them but she was wrong. The security camera which was located at the entrance to the cafe pictured the moment when a woman gives her scarf to the poor dog.
The woman leaving the cafe noticed how the dog was curled up there.
Most people passed near the dog and did not do anything but this lady could not act the same.
She wanted to somehow help the dog and gave her scarf to him. She knew that she had to help the dog and could not pass leaving him hopeless. Firstly she wrapped up the poor dog and made certain he would no longer freeze.
Let’s hope that such an act will be a bright example for others to follow. This act lasted no more than a minute but someone saw the woman and recognized her. The woman was Duigu Elma and she did not wait for such praises that she could receive from the Internet.
When she talked with the Dodo she said that she could not wait for getting such attention and was shocked about it. The weather was cold and she could not pass without noticing the poor frozen animal.