It’s a big event in the zoo when an animal is born and especially when the animal is among endangered species.
Humans are worried about the red pandas’ population.
On July 1, two red pandas were born. It was a big event as that was the second time that red pandas were born.
Zoo workers started to look after the babies as they did not know whether the mother panda would do so or not.
So, red pandas are popular by leaving their children but sometimes there are cases when mother pandas prove the opposite.
And it was about Linda who took the responsibility of looking after her babies. But the father named Marvin was not as active as the mom.
He let the mother take the responsibility.
Marvin, who was born in 2019, was left alone by his mother who did not want to look after him.
Overall, less than 10 thousand red pandas left in the world. And that’s why every infant is an important and big event for the zoo.
Bravo the mother Linda who is such a caring and loving parent.