The poor wolf was hungry and asked the forester to feed her and after 2 months he came back with 3 wolves with her

The poor wolf was hungry and asked the forester to feed her and after 2 months he came back with 3 wolves with her.

Once, the forecaster heard strange noises coming from the fence, and coming out he noticed a hungry wolf. He thought about whether to feed the animal or not but eventually brought her frozen meat.

During the winter the forest was empty and it’s very difficult for animals to eat anything.
But she acted strangely. Such animals live in their territory but they are hardly any out there. The exception was that they are hungry.

But this wolf was coming to the village often and people from there scolded the forester.

But the forecaster, by ignoring them, began to feed the wolf. He thought that if the animal was feeling hungry he would become even more dangerous for people.

But after a short time, the world stopped coming to the village. Everyone felt happy, only Stepan was feeling bad as he was used to feeding the animal.

But two months later he heard some familiar noises. When he came out he saw the wolf with 2 babies with her.

Stepan understood that the wolf fed her kids with the meat that the forecaster gave her.
But now they are moving to another place to live and she came to say goodbye to the man.

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