The poor dog looking very dirty was sitting in the road, and people did not even notice him.
The poor dog was sitting in the middle of the road and was very dirty. Next to the road, the construction process was done. But the dog did not even move when cars passed. He was not scared of even large trucks.
He did not want to move anywhere. And even the construction did not force him to go anywhere else. But once, the truck driver noticed him. The poor dog was feeling cold and starved.
The kind driver decided immediately to assist the dog and took him home. He washed the dog and did everything necessary for him. When he was washed the man understood that the dog was a retriever dog. And he was in black because of the dirt.
The brother of the driver took a beautiful dog who had cute and charming eyes. He was sweet and cute. Thanks to these kind people the animal survived and now he had another chance to live.
The man thinks that this puppy deserves the best and should live with a caring family who will give him lots of love and joy.