The man saved the fox who was seriously injured and now they are best friends.
Suddenly the man saw a fox on the road who was seriously injured and could not even move.
The Project “Fox” could not allow him to go into the wild. And they decided to find a home for him. But it was difficult as people would be scared of taking him as he is a wild animal.
But there was someone who wanted to take him. It was a man called Mike who was an engineer. The man was sure that he could take care of the animal as he already had such an experience. So, he took the fox and named him Cropper.
The man was very careful of him. After a short time, they became best friends and were attached. Now, they are inseparable from each other. After 6 years the fox died. And the man decided to take another one and named it Jack. They play with each other and the animal is taking a bath in the sink.
The man tells how difficult it was to adopt a fox as a pet. But also he is sure that if a fox is wounded and has some health problems it’s safer for people to be near them rather than in the wild.
So, the man amazes everyone.