The loyal dog followed his owner, who had cancer till the end. Lying near the owner they passed away at the same time

The loyal dog followed his owner, who had cancer till the end. Lying near the owner they passed away at the same time.

The loyal dog stayed with his owner till the end. An old officer named Daniel Hove had a dog called gunner. The man had cancer for many years.

But the dog remained with him until the end.

In 2020 the man passed away and just after an hour his dog followed him.
His daughter tells that her father worked until the moment that doctors discovered the disease. After that, he retired and the dog Gunner remained by his side.

Moreover, according to the daughter they were always together and partners in everything. For example, when the man was feeling bad the dog was also in a bad condition.

After some years Gunner also had a disease and could not move as usual. And the doctors said that the disease could not be cured.

Doctors suggested the daughter let the dog sleep in peace. After the dog came home he lay near the man and died. After a short time, Daniel also dies.

The family felt very bad but happy that they would no longer be in pain. So, they died on the same day and now they are together again.

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