The little dog saw a baby seal during vacation and they quickly became close friends.
Many of us make friends during vacation. It’s very interesting to communicate with people from different cultures. And often such stories end with making strong relationships.
And sometimes such kinds of things happen also with animals. The dog called Stanley was traveling with his owners and they visited a seal sanctuary.
Here, the puppy befriended a seal. The seal named Ayla, moved towards the dog once she noticed him.
She was very glad to find such a friend. They were both very happy together. And various people captured them together.
The animals were looking at each other for about 20 minutes and posed for the cameras.
Both the staff and the owner of the dog were amazed by seeing this. No one would wait for such a thing to happen.
The employees claim that Ayla is very friendly and this is not the first time that she acted like this. So, this time she befriended Stanley.
Also, it was difficult for the best friend to part but the owner said that they will visit there often so that the animals could see each other again.