The little black wandering cat called Salami asked a woman to go inside the house to give birth to her babies.
When the cat felt that soon she would give birth to her babies she started to visit the woman frequently.
Then the animal found its home in the house.
She started to visit their home once she noticed that the owner’s kitten was always walking in the backyard.
It was obvious that Salami was interested in him. Also, everyone knew that she often came there to see him.
So, Ida started to feed the cat and it started to visit their house every morning.
Then she got a stomach ache. So, Floreak started to look after her and vaccinated her.
Then, after some time she noticed that the cat was already pregnant. Now she spends all her day with Floreak.
Once, she came a little bit earlier and sat on the doorstep.
So, the woman again let her come inside, and then she gave birth to her babies.
Floreak prepared a place for her to give birth.
First, 2 cats were born.
But at night she again went into labor.
Floreak was scared about the case and immediately called one of her friends to ask for advice as she did not know how to act on such an occasion.
Everything was good and the mother gave birth to 2 more babies.
Then Floreak started to search for homes for the babies and she managed to do so.
Ida decided to keep Salami as they had already overcame a hard period and now can stay together forever.