The 4-year-old boy named Leon Kirby-Bulner had autism and it was difficult for him to express his emotions.
He had another world, whose doors are closed for everyone.
But everything changes for the better when a puppy called Gern appears in their home.
The dog did the impossible. He managed to find ways of approaching the boy. And surprisingly they become best friends.
The boy’s mom said that they shared love from the very first moment.
The poor boy felt alone till he met Fern.
They become inseparable from each other.
Also, they started to do everything together.
Hayley felt satisfied when she saw them together.
The dog helped the boy in his difficult times.
The mother also said that their life changed for the better after the dog appeared at their home. They felt the positive effects that the dog had on their son. The dog helped the development of a boy.
The family decided to help other families who had the same problem. So, they raised funds and provided to the families with dogs. And this is dedicated to their dog.
Now the boy can express his feelings and the family is very happy about the fact.