No one wanted to adopt a dog but then it turned out that his family was searching for it for two years.
The woman adopted a Chihuahua and called it Payday. It was hard for him to get along with the new family and it seems that he was always sad.
Moreover, because of his characteristic, his face always seemed to have an evil expression. But he also did not like the shelter.
He was not active and it seems that he was always scared of something. He was scared of everyone and every situation.
The staff of the shelter wanted to search for a new family but no one wanted to take him.
Then they decided to advertise the dog on one of the TV channels. They hoped to find owners who would not care for such behavior and would train him and help him to adapt.
A short time after being shown on TV, the shelter got a call. The man named Dwight said that it was his pet who was lost 2 years ago.
The man was walking with his pet 2 years ago when suddenly the dog ran away. And he could not find him anymore.
So, when the dog met his owner he changed and became very happy. They both are now glad and thankful for finding each other.