When the man drove back home he suddenly heard the animal’s crying and could not ignore it. The man was returning home when he heard strange noises. He
The brave and kind-hearted dog helped cats from burning and got awards for its heroic action. We don’t have real heroes in these times. But when someone is
The man helped a little deer, when the animal felt his support he appreciated it and denied leaving his arms. This is a funny story about a deer
A kind-hearted dog took 5 baby cheetahs when their mother died. The Australian dog became a father to 5 orphaned animals. This proved to the whole world that
The woman gave her scarf to the poor homeless dog and the camera captured the moment. The woman did not even think that anyone could notice them but
The oldest cat will soon become 31 years old and yet has many lives left. The story is about the cat called Nutmeg. His age is 141 years
A woman saved the baby from death A woman named Taya is an animal lover. She is a real hero and will never leave any animal who needs
A dog approached a woman and immediately slept but once the dog came with a note. Once when a woman returned home she noticed a strange dog near
The zebra became friends with a poor rhino cub who moved to the sanctuary after his birth. Suddenly these animals appeared in one of South Africa’s sanctuaries. The