An old Chimpanzee called Mams is glad to see her old friend for the final time.
An old woman was suffering from a disease for a very long time.
In April 2016, the chimpanzee, one of the oldest animals in the zoo, was refusing each food offered to her. And she curled up.
Jan van Hooff, one of the Dutch biologists, visited her with her old friend. They met with her in 1972 and became friends since then.
A video that appeared on Youtube showed how Mom remembered her old friend and became very happy seeing her.
Now, the patient, who rejected everyone, held her hands. So, she clings to the man.
Van Hooff tells how emotional and sad was the moment when they melted. Everyone who watched the video melted.
We all probably heard some stories where we see how animals create an emotional connection as strong as people do.
But indeed there is something special in this connection. They remembered each other even though they did not see each other for a very long time.
And the animal died after a week. It’s good that they both had a chance to meet for the final time.