A poor little puppy leads the savors to an abandoned building where its siblings were.
Nothing could be better than helping people in need. This is the kindest thing one can do. The employees from the animal rescue center dedicated their whole life to doing this kind of job.
Homeless people grow up in streets that are full of rubbish.
As China did not have a program to help wandering animals, the volunteers did this job by themselves.
In the video that was posted by the animal rescue center, it was obvious how the dog asked for help.
The animal did not jump into the people but followed their example. Later the animal was named Rocky.
The group followed the puppy when he was climbing the stairs.
It was obvious that he did not want to run away but he led the volunteers’ team to the broken building.
There they saw his brother.
The puppy called Buddy who was found in the corner was frightened or may be injured. Rocky looked after his family.
Both are saved and get the love needed.
Although it was difficult for such animals in China, these two were looking for each other and help.