A poor dog lost its home but after 4 months was found far away from its home.
A Michigan couple lost their pet but fortunately found and returned home their animal.
Jinks, who was just 3 years old, was lost during the trip with his parents. The couple stayed about 3 weeks in the campground to find their pet. Even when they returned to their home they continued searching for their dog.
They used radio, ads, etc but nothing helped them . They even shared a post on social media hoping that they would get a result.
But once, pastors noticed the tags of his collar and immediately called the number.
They thought that the dog was very lucky to be alive.
Not only the couple was searching for their dog but also Jinks was looking for them.
So, the family was very happy when they knew that their dog was alive and in good condition.
Jink’s ID tags helped them to find their pet.
Susan wrote about the family union. She told how the pet hugged his parents and how happy they felt.
Jink was very happy and was playing with them.
This story proves once again that you should never give up on trying, When you believe in you get results as the family did.