A homeless dog who was in the garbage gave his paw to the people and asked for help

A homeless dog who was in the garbage gave his paw to the people and asked for help.

This winter was a little bit strange. The dog named Bertha was waiting for the benefactress to come every evening. But wandering animals were not walking in their neighborhood. And many people think that throwing unnecessary food is better than giving it to animals.

Bertha was very thankful and had a special look. When she saw the girl she hugged her.
Once, Bertha said about her arrival with a loud bark. When the girl came with sweets she started to play with her. The dog was in a bad condition.

She was freezing from the cold.
So, she understood that she could not leave the animal alone on the street.

Bertha was waiting for a special invitation. It was necessary to show the case and she happily came inside.
Bertha wanted to please the mother and she gave her paw to her. Then she closed her eyes with pleasure.

This time they cleaned her and dried and then allowed her to lie down on a sofa.
The dog was very tired but at the same time very happy. Then she slept and hugged the toy that was the first one in her life.

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